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Toilet Rebate Program Application

The Township of Cavan Monaghan is implementing a Toilet Rebate Pilot Program to reduce water use in homes within the Township; to lower the impacts on the environment; to reduce costs to the users of the water and wastewater systems; and to accommodate further allocation for growth thereby further reducing overall costs.

Toilets are the highest water user within a home and new models are capable of using half to a third of the consumption of existing toilets. 

Residents of the Township of Cavan Monaghan are eligible for a $100 rebate per toilet replaced. 

Please complete the application and a staff representative will contact you directly.  

Please note: Completion of this form does not guarantee a credit will be made to your account.


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As the customer for the above property, I hereby apply for a credit under the Township of Cavan Monaghan's Toilet Rebate Program. I confirm that the above information is true and accurate.